Sunday, September 2, 2012

Shannon Woodward tweets about Robert Pattinson

Facts: Crocs are not stylish, Obama was born in America and I'm not trying to dating Robert Pattinson.

* Explanation 1: The word "Crocs" refers to shoes out of fashion. So it makes fa compared the gossip that the media has invented.
* Explanation 2: Shannon is a friend of Rob, is also  an actress , was the ex-girlfriend of Andrew Garfield also  friend of Robert and  both have in common friendship with  Katy Perry . She also worked with Jackson Rathbone in the recent film " Girlfriend " .  has been view  often with Rob as the anniversary of her in 2008 and 2010 ( Katy driving the car in which they were ), and most recently  in concert Katy Perry for her film, where  Kristen and Rob were captured by  pappz while smoking and also the debut of film , in fact, when Rob was 'forgotten' outside the vain.

This is Shannon Woodward : The girl with long black hair, friend's of Rob 

GOD bless you

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